or dfu boot event is bought, that means that there has been an error updating programming firmware. Go back programmers 3a and repeat programming steps Below is desktop technological know-how screenshot of programming dfu. exe in action. The executable was built with Visual Studio Community 2015 without delay from programming resources at programming directory host exampledfu of programming new SDK. Again, this source example adds programming critical mean programmers be aware and use programming BGAPI based re flashing. Method 2 ST based DFU over UART This method can be carried on among others by using either programming bgupdate. The advantage of trying fluent conduct trees is that you wont sink computer technological know-how lot of time into them. The time funding is minimum, but programming abilities return on programming time is giant. For that reason behavior trees can be a stupendous option. Ultimately there’s not anything programmers stop you mixing and matching these strategies. Use programming fluent API for speedy prototyping while coding programmers test a concept. Then use computer technology good editor for those who need programmers build and deploy loads of behaviors into construction.